Visua Partners

Partner to enhance the fan experience with a major audio upgrade at Harry Grove Stadium

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In 2023, Visua put their unique engineering tactics to use in Frederick, Maryland. They needed to upgrade the audio system at Harry Grove Stadium while also installing new speakers in strategic areas. The collaboration that Frederick had with Visua allowed them to enter into the digital world just in time for their 2023 season opener.


The upgrades that Frederick required were beyond speaker replacement. The speaker placement in the park was also outdated, and as a result, fans had different audio experiences based on their location in the ballpark. This meant that Visua had to engineer an audio system that was specifically tailored to Nymeo Field, including strategic placement of speakers and amplifiers to create a cohesive and unified audio experience for fans. Visua also needed to accommodate the steeply slanted seating bowl by installing a selection of speakers at a higher mounting point than the current infrastructure of the park allowed. With the added factor of equipment delays, Visua not only needed to think outside of the box to complete the project, but they also needed to do it quickly.


Visua had several solutions to combat the challenges that arose during this installation process. They started by installing 37 new JBL all-weather speakers throughout the stadium, two of which were strategically placed behind home plate. The remaining speakers were placed in precise locations, providing fans with an optimal audio experience from any seat. The unique challenges in Frederick meant Visua needed to think outside of the box. This thinking led to the installation of four speaker mounting poles on top of the buildings, which drastically improved sound distribution and clarity. The other speakers were also adjusted and angled accordingly to produce optimal sound for fan enjoyment and retention. Visua also integrated VirtCh’s digital mixer into the Frederick system. The digital mixer includes Sound Director, allowing for comfortable control of the audio throughout the entire stadium. Visua completed the upgrades while prioritizing operation, ensuring the feasibility of operation on gameday's while also modernizing infrastructre.


The time crunch was no problem for Visua’s experienced installation crew, as the project was finished in just two weeks. Visua’s decision to mount speaker poles to the top of the pre-existing concourse buildings proved to be successful, accommodating the steeply slanted seating bowl while also delivering a unified audio experience to fans. The installation of the digital mixer finally brought Frederick into the digital age, simplifying operation and offering customizable speaker zoning to create an experience unique to Harry Grove Stadium. The combination of updated technology and engineering revitalized the audio experience for fans, marking the collaboration between Visua and Frederick a total success.

  • 37 JBL All-Weather Speakers
  • 4 Speaker Mounting Poles
  • VirtCh’s Digital Mixer
  • Sound Director
(866)-VISUAAV or (866) 847-8228